Monday, 14 December 2020

data science online training ameerpet

 The biggest challenge of the information explosion happening these days is the Data administration and management. Data Science course gets you the in depth understanding of statistical techniques for the data analysis. The course allows one to bring up their basic database knowledge and make it apply to the more advanced level of data science. The career of the future is Data Science which is a very much typically needed for the current data analysis of IT field.

To manage whopping amount of the data, data scientists are needed who are the most enthusiastic people. It is the undoubtedly emerging field in data analysis which has great link with the upcoming data software that are being prepared for the improvisation of data management.
 Data Analyst
 Data Scientist
 M/L engineer
 Data Science Lead
Introduction to Data science
 What is data science?
 How is Data Science different from BI and Data Analyst
 Who are Data Scientist?
 What skill sets are required to become a Data Scientist ?
 What is machine learning?
 Statistics and Mathematics for Data Science
Introduction to Python
 Introduction to Anaconda
 Installation of Anaconda Python Distribution – For Windows, Mac OS, and Linux
 Jupyter Notebook Installation
 Jupyter Notebook Introduction
 Variable Assignment
 Basic Data Types: Integer, Float, String, None, and Boolean; Typecasting
 Creating, accessing, and slicing tuples
 Creating, accessing, and slicing lists
 Creating, viewing, accessing, and modifying dicts
 Creating and using operations on sets
 Basic Operators: ‘in’, ‘+’, ‘*’
 Functions
 Classes and Objects
 Packages
For More info :   
Call us  : 9052641113

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